executions in the world:

In 2024


2000 to present



  • Abolitionist
  • retentionist
  • De facto abolitionist
  • Moratorium on executions
  • Abolitionist for ordinary crimes
  • Committed to abolishing the death penalty


government: theocratic republic
state of civil and political rights: Not free
constitution: 2-3 December 1979; revised 1989 to expand powers of the presidency and eliminate the prime ministership
legal system: religious legal system based on secular and Islamic law
legislative system: unicameral Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majles-e Shura-ye Eslami or Majles); all candidates to the Majles must be approved by the Council of Guardians, a 12-member group of which 6 are appointed by the supreme leader and 6 are jurists nominated by the judiciary and elected by the Majles
judicial system: Supreme Court (consists of the chief justice and organized into 42 two-bench branches, each with a justice and a judge); Penal Courts I and II; Islamic Revolutionary Courts; Courts of Peace; Special Clerical Court (functions outside the judicial system and handles cases involving clerics); military courts
religion: Muslim (official) 99.6% (Shia 90-95%, Sunni 5-10%), other (includes Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian) 0.3%, unspecified 0.2% (2016 est.)
death row:
year of last executions: 0-0-0
death sentences: 0
executions: 606
international treaties on human rights and the death penalty:


March 6, 2024 - IRAN. Sweden: Hamid Noury’s Appeal Rejected
Sweden Government Urged to Stand Firm Against Iranian Mass Murderers’ Impunity
Sweden's Supreme Court said Wednesday it would not hear an appeal by a former Iranian prison official who was handed a life sentence for crimes committed during a 1988 purge of dissidents.
A Swedish district court in July 2022 sentenced Hamid Noury, 62, to life in prison "for grave breaches of international humanitarian law and murder."
An appeals court upheld the verdict in December 2023, which Noury then appealed to the Supreme Court.
"The Supreme Court has now decided not to grant leave to appeal. This means that the judgment of the Court of Appeal stands," the court wrote in a statement.
Noury’s conviction centers on grave violations of international humanitarian law and murder committed during the harrowing events of the summer of 1988, where more than 30,000 political prisoners, predominantly affiliated with the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK), were executed following the regime’s acceptance of a ceasefire with Iraq.
Arrested at a Stockholm airport in November 2019, Noury stood trial under Sweden’s principle of universal jurisdiction, empowering the country to prosecute individuals for grave offenses regardless of where they occurred. Despite Noury’s persistent denial of the charges, dismissing them as fabricated, the appeals court upheld the initial verdict in December 2023.
This landmark case reverberates with broader implications, as it spotlights the long-standing accusations leveled against senior Iranian officials, including current President Ebrahim Raisi, for their alleged involvement in the “Death Committees” responsible for orchestrating the 1988 death sentences.
Sweden’s Supreme Court’s refusal to entertain Noury’s appeal underscores the nation’s unwavering commitment to confronting impunity for grave human rights violations and upholding the tenets of international law and justice. Despite concerted efforts by the clerical regime to contest the verdict through Noury’s legal representatives, Sweden’s High Court has unequivocally reaffirmed the primacy of justice, sending a resolute message against impunity for crimes against humanity.
Against the backdrop of these legal proceedings, which shed light on the Iranian regime’s egregious human rights abuses, particularly its hostage-taking practices, Tehran may reconsider its coercive tactics vis-à-vis Sweden. The infamous prisoner swap between Belgium and Iran in the case of Assadollah Assadi serves as a stark reminder of Tehran’s willingness to exploit diplomatic channels for its ulterior motives. Olivier Vandecasteele’s ordeal, detained in Iran for over a year, epitomizes Tehran’s instrumentalization of individuals for political leverage, evident in the release of a terrorist implicated in a plot targeting innocent civilians and Western dignitaries in 2018.
The ongoing conflict in the Middle East serves as a stark reminder of the international community’s failure to hold Tehran accountable for its role in funding, arming, and training proxy militant groups. This failure has allowed the regime to not only destabilize the region but also pose a threat to global security. Granting impunity to mass murderers and state-sponsored terrorists will only embolden the Iranian regime, enabling it to continue its dangerous tactics under the guise of strategic leverage and so-called “field diplomacy.”
On Noury’s case sse also HoC 14/11/2021, 10/03/2022, 02/05/2022, 14/07/2022, 06/05/2023, 07/08/2023, 19/12/2023 e 28/01/2024.










Asia, Middle East, Australia and Oceania