Three Ghanaian drug dealers were sentenced to death...

09 November 2001 :

Three Ghanaian drug dealers were sentenced to death by hanging at the Klong Prem prison in Bangkok, Thailand. The news was given by Sadji Kamara, chairman of the committee of convicted Ghanaians in Thailand.
Kamara noted that conditions at the prisons in Thailand are extremely harsh and inhuman.
He said even though his committee conceded that drug trafficking is criminal and dangerous, the Ghanian government had a responsibility to use diplomatic channels for a swap so that Ghanian prisoners can serve the remainder of their prison terms in Ghana.
"It is our hope that the Kufuor administration will fulfil its election promise with respect to alleviating hardship among Ghanaians who are facing trouble," he said.
According to Kamara, the government of Ghana has no mission in Thailand and as such Ghanaians in that country are treated like second class citizens. He said his committee has exploited every avenue to draw the attention of government about their fate but to no avail.
Sadji Kamara revealed that because of the inhuman treatment meted out to them by the Thai authorities they are getting increasingly nervous and uncertain. "Our lives in prison are a constant struggle against obstacles. It has been years of frustration."
Execution in Thailand is by hanging or shooting since death by lethal injection is yet to be legalised.
The Ghanian Narcotic and Drugs Control Board said it has currently no records or data on Ghanaians convicted for narcotic drug offences in Thailand and that the Thai Government does not furnish the Narcotic and Drugs Control Board with any figures concerning Ghanaians convicted for drug offences in Thailand.
The Director responsible for information at Ghanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kodwo Acquah said the Ministry had no information regarding the death sentences slapped on the three Ghanaians.
The Director responsible for the Asia Bureau of the Ghana Mission also expressed lack of knowledge about the sentences.

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