IRAN - Yazdan Varehzardi executed in Ahvaz on august 21

IRAN - Yazdan Varehzardi

25 August 2023 :

(August 23, 2023) - Yazdan Varehzardi executed in Ahvaz on august 21.
According to information obtained by IHR, a man was executed in Ahvaz Sepidar Prison on 21 August. His identity has been established as 30-year-old Yazdan Varehzardi from the Delfan tribe in Khorramabad.
A source told IHR: “Yazdan Varehzardi was arrested for murder charges in Ahvaz six years ago and transferred to Khorramabad Central Prison sometime later. He was recently transferred from Khorramabad prison to Sepidar Prison and his execution carried out on Monday.”
IHR previously reported the execution of Abdolreza Ghalavand for drug-related charges at the prison that day. Yazdan’s execution brings the number of executions at the prison that day to two.
At the time of writing, neither execution has been reported by domestic media or officials in Iran.


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