According to Section 31 of the Constitution, "A person...

01 January 2001 :

According to Section 31 of the Constitution, "A person shall enjoy rights and liberties in his/her life and person. Torture, brutal acts, or punishments by cruel or inhumane means shall not be permitted; provided, however, that punishment by death penalty as provided by law shall not be deemed cruel or inhumane under this paragraph".
After final judgment, execution must be suspended for 60 days to allow the prisoner to submit a plea for a Royal pardon. Execution shall be suspended pending the Royal discretion. If the pardon is granted, execution will be commuted to life imprisonment.
Even prisoners in serious cases have been imprisoned for 20 years as pardons are granted on special occasions each year.
Moreover, a pregnant convict may not be executed until the baby is born. Insane prisoners are also spared execution, at least until they are recovered.
If such treatment takes more than one year, the sentence shall be commuted to life.

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