executions in the world:

In 2024


2000 to present



  • Abolitionist
  • retentionist
  • De facto abolitionist
  • Moratorium on executions
  • Abolitionist for ordinary crimes
  • Committed to abolishing the death penalty


government: communist state
state of civil and political rights: Not free
constitution: 14 August 1991; amended 2003, 2015
legal system: civil law system similar in form to the French system
legislative system: unicameral National Assembly (Sapha Heng Xat)
judicial system: People's Supreme Court (consists of the court president and organized into criminal, civil, administrative, commercial, family, and juvenile chambers, each with a vice president and several judges); appellate courts; provincial, municipal, district, and military courts
religion: Buddhist 64.7%, Christian 1.7%, none 31.4%, other/not stated 2.1% (2015 est.)
death row: at least 89 (www.deathpenalty.org)
year of last executions: 0-0-1989
death sentences: 0
executions: 0
international treaties on human rights and the death penalty:

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment








Asia, Middle East, Australia and Oceania