02 March 2017 :

EXECUTIONS IN 2015 (as of 30 June)

At least 2,229 executions were carried out in 17 Countries and territories in the first six months of 2015.

China: at least 1,200
Iran: at least 657
Pakistan: at least 174
Saudi Arabia: at least 102
Stati Uniti: 17
North Korea: at least 16
Somalia: at least 14
Indonesia: 14
Egypt: at least 12
Iraq: at least 6
Taiwan*: 6
Sudan: at least 4
Bangladesh: 2
Jordan: 2
Afghanistan: 1
Japan: 1
Singapore: 1

In the first six months of 2015, no executions were reported in 5 Countries – Belarus, Equatorial Guinea, Malaysia, Palestine (Gaza Strip) and United Arab Emirates – that carried out executions in 2014.
On the other hand, 2 countries, which had not carried out executions in 2014, resumed them in the first six months of 2015: Bangladesh (2) and Indonesia (14).
It could not be confirmed if judicial executions took place in South Sudan, Syria, Vietnam and Yemen in 2015 (as of 30 June).

Source: Hands Off Cain

In bold: liberal democracies1 ( 3) that carried out executions ( 24) in the first six months of 2015.
In italics: changes in 2015 ( 2) with regard to 2014.

* Non-UN member States

1 The classification “liberal democracy” is based on the rigorous analytic standards employed by Freedom House in its Freedom in the World 2015 report on the state of political rights and civil liberties around the world (www.freedomhouse.org).