The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Rome |
March 29, 2007: Pasquale Ferrara, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesman, clarified statements made today at the weekly press meeting. “Italy is working intensely to define the instruments and the methods needed to successfully present the moratorium on the death penalty to the current UN General Assembly.”
“Italy is still strongly committed to increasing the consensus on this initiative, one which the Government feels is strategically important.”
“Promoting a more direct and open involvement by the European Union under Italy's initiative continues with determination,” Mr Ferrara continued. Therefore, “it was requested that this be formally included in the agenda at the next Council of General Affairs” in Luxembourg on April 23rd. The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs ensures that “broad spectrum actions are being taken, both through the diplomatic network and through the dedicated actions of special representatives, to obtain the highest possible number of signatory countries.” “At the UN, all efforts are naturally being made to get more member States to subscribe to the declaration of association that was presented to the UN General Assembly last December”.
Mr. Ferrara's statement comes after MEP Marco Pannella's request to the Italian Government to make up for the delay and the errors that were made in fulfilling their commitment to present the resolution for the moratorium on executions to the current UN General Assembly.
Mr. Pannella, radical Euro-parliamentarian of the ALDE group and president of Hands Off Cain said “This is the ultimate objective that motivates the Italian Radical Party and Hands Off Cain. It is also the basis of the non-violent initiative I've been carrying out for 8 days with my hunger strike.” (Sources: Agi, 29/03/2007)