June 5, 2019: On the occasion of Eid Al Fitr, HM King Mohammed VI granted his pardon to 755 people sentenced by the different Moroccan courts, said a statement by the Justice ministry. The detained beneficiaries of the pardon are 576 and are divided into: 1 inmate who benefited from pardon over his remaining prison term; 554 prisoners who had their prison terms reduced; Sentences for 2 convicts were commuted from death penalty to life imprisonment; 19 inmates who had their prison sentences commuted from life imprisonment to fixed prison terms. The free beneficiaries of the pardon are 179 and are divided into: 48 prisoners who benefited from pardon over their remaining prison terms; 5 inmates who benefited from pardon over their imprisonment terms while their fines were maintained; 6 inmates who benefited from pardon over their prison terms and fines as well; 120 prisoners had their fines annulled. On this happy occasion, HM the King has granted his pardon to 11 of those convicted in cases of extremism and terrorism who participated in the third edition of the "Reconciliation" program (Musalaha), which responds to the requests for pardon that these detainees submit to HM the king after officially announcing their rejection of all forms of extremism and terrorism, and their firm commitment to the supreme values and sacredness of the Nation and national institutions. The beneficiaries of this royal initiative are divided into: 8 inmates who benefited from pardon over their remaining prison terms; 1 inmate who had his prison sentence commuted from life imprisonment to fixed prison terms; 2 prisoners who had their prison terms reduced. And on the same occasion, and in consideration of the family and human circumstances of the persons sentenced in connection with the events in the Al Hoceima and Jerada regions, and in fulfillment of the Royal will on all occasions, HM the King granted his royal pardon to several convicted persons who did not commit crimes and serious acts during these events, the number of whom is 107 and are divided into: 60 prisoners who were pardoned as part of the Al Hoceima region events; 47 inmates who were pardoned as part of the Jerada region events. (Sources:, 05/06/2019)