Prime Minister Romano Prodi |
June 11, 2007: During a press conference held at the Radical Party, party leader, Marco Pannella, said: “we continue our non violent action. I urge the Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, along with the group of countries from all continents that have already showed their participation, to submit the final project for the resolution for the universal moratorium on the death penalty within the next few hours. This is necessary to ensure it is subject to voting within the current session of the General Assembly. We need everyone to join the battle during these hours as never before has support, such as that offered by Mr. Berlusconi, been so necessary.”
“While we have interrupted our thirst strike, we persist in our hunger strike in the hope to end it after we've reached our objective.” Mr Pannella said. It all depends on the media. “The great disappearance”, which manifested itself once again yesterday with Mediaset. There's a powerful lobby that constantly manages to prevent the majority in favour of the moratorium from presenting the resolution to the UN General Assembly.”
“The European Union is contrary and hostile to the approval of the moratorium at the UN General Assembly. The Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, has to do now what Europe has not done: the government should present to the UN the resolution for the universal moratorium on the death penalty, regardless of all hostilities.”
This is what 'Hands Off Cain' secretary and MP for the Rose in The Fist (Rosa nel Pugno, NdT), Sergio D'Elia, said during the press conference. D'Elia went on “last June 6, human rights experts from all European Countries met and all, except Italy which opposed, decided that this resolution be presented at the next UN Assembly". (Sources: HOC, 11/06/2007)