Sergio D'Elia, Hands Off Cain Secretary |
September 7, 2006: Sergio D’Elia, Secretary of Hands Off Cain and MP for the Rosa nel Pugno Party, made the following declaration:
“I am pleased to hear the announcement made today by [Italian Prime Minister] Prodi regarding his intentions to raise the issue of human rights during his visit to China. If these words are followed by actions, it would form a small but significant change in relations between China and Italy. The last state visits by Berlusconi in November 2003 and Ciampi in December 2004 were marked by a deafening silence regarding the human rights violations taking place in the country. I would like to briefly remind the Premier that China holds the record in world executions (with between five and ten thousand carried out annually), has police that torture people under interrogation, has removed organs from executed prisoners, persecutes members of spiritual and religious movements not authorised by the state (Christians, Uighur Muslims, Tibetan Buddhists, Falun Gong and other unauthorised movements) and is responsible for internment into asylums or re-education camps where hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners have died following torture and abuse. In the past it was preferred to be pleasing to a dictatorship hoping for immediate gains in trade and business as opposed to investing long term in more freedom for the Chinese and greater credibility for our country in international affairs. The Chinese have shown they respect those with courage in their own convictions and are able to make the best deals with those who manifest this courage. Going to China and bringing only what is convenient, leaving ones’ convictions at home, could result in some extra contracts but also a great loss in credibility.” (Sources: HOC, 07/09/06)